Wednesday, April 18, 2007

good stuff on OIL

watched this documentary last night. it reminded me a lot of the Crude Addiction t-shirt that my sister gave me back in the late 80's...which was the one with the hypodermic needle filled with Crude Oil, and if i remember correctly it was jammed into the USA...along with some text on the borders relating to wars and what not relating to maintaining our oil addiction, sadly the t-shirt didn't make me any more popular. nonetheless, the film talks numbers and very harshly about the realities of how much our addiction to oil pervades our society. some of the subjects we have heard before, peak oil, wars, energy economics...but this time around it goes further and speaks to an apocalyptic demise to the economy being just around the corner. one interesting factoid was how OPEC manipulates their published reports of reserves where in effect, the amount they produce in a given year is miraculously replaced by years end; thus there is no real way of knowing exactly how much is left. however, in the film, there are a few that have been able to bring reality to the numbers, and it looks, well, it ain't good. like i said, a really happy, lift your spirits up kind of movie. maybe disney will make a version.

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