Friday, July 20, 2007

lighters, matches and scissors oh my!!!

the closing lines of this article today concerning the lifting of the ban on lighters from domestic flights...just made me crack up...

"Congress has permitted the change after initially ordering the lighter ban. It is set to be lifted on August 4. Torch lighters, which burn hotter and tend to be used for pipes and cigars, will still not be allowed in the passenger cabin.

Reid, convicted and serving a life prison sentence, tried to light explosives hidden in his shoes on a transatlantic flight with matches. They have never been banned from commercial aircraft."

they banned lighters but allowed all smokers and for that matter anyone else to continue carrying matches...and now they decided its a waste of time, and have lifted the ban...I love it...if it were Orwellian doublespeak it couldn't be better...its all just so unbelievably hilarious...the next administration if there is one, is going to have so much junk to deal with it'll be a wonder if anything gets done at all....

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